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Surface Time Series Object

A Surface Time Series is a series of 2D Grids or surfaces. All the grids have an associated time stamp and the size, node spacing, and number of nodes are identical in all grids. Only the elevation value of each grid node is variable. It is possible to show one, more, or all of the grids from the time series simultaneously. Surface Time Series can be animated with the Surface Time Series Animation Object.

The majority of settings are identical to the settings for the surface object. Below the settings that are unique to the Surface Time Series object are described.

General Tab

Show Individual Surfaces
Load Step: Loads the time series step with the specified index. The time stamp associated with the index is shown next to the edit box.
Hide Loaded Steps: Hides the currently loaded time steps but keep in memory
Shows Loaded Steps: Show the currently loaded but hidden time steps
Unload All Loaded Steps: Unload all loaded time steps from memory

These settings are used only when the time series is used in a Surface Time Series Animation.
Pre Processed Mode: All grids in the selected time series interval are loaded into memory before animation starts.
Pre Process Shades: All surface shadings are processed before animation starts.
Show On Screen Text: Show the step time stamp during animation.

Data Tab

Grid Time Series Dataset: Grid Time Series Dataset for the surface geometry.

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/surface_time_series_object.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/21 19:37 by