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Camera Object

All objects in the scene, even other cameras, are viewed through cameras. Although the GeoScene3D camera is virtual it has some properties that resemble those of real world cameras, e.g. focal length. Although the camera object is very complex with many settings the default settings are sufficient for most purposes. The Camera Editor dialog contains settings for the camera and navigation of that camera.

General Tab

Name: Object name as seen in the Object Manager
Visible: Show/Hide the visual 3D camera symbol object
Display Color: Camera symbol color. In the Object Manager and throughout the user interface the camera symbols uses this color for easy identification.
Activate Camera: Activates the camera. Available if the camera is not already active

Compass Angle: Angle in degrees clockwise of the camera from north
Vertical Angle: Angle in degrees of the camera from horizontal. Values are positive when camera is pointing up and negative when pointing down.

Point To Object
Point Camera Towards Object: When checked the camera will point towards the selected object (fly by). It is not possible to rotate the camera manually.
Available Objects: Select the object that the camera should point towards. Note: object types that represents a group of objects, e.g., wells and point data can not be used.
Point Horizontal Only: The camera points toward the selected object in XY only. Manual vertical rotation is still possible.

Viewer Tab

This tab contains settings for navigation speed and other settings for the visual appearance of the output of the camera.

Movement Speed
Slow: Slow horizontal and vertical camera speed (navigation panel or keyboard shortcuts)
Fast: Fast horizontal and vertical camera speed (navigation panel or keyboard shortcuts). Active when SHIFT is pressed

Scroll Wheel Speed
Slow: Slow scroll wheel zooming
Fast: Fast scroll wheel zooming. Active when SHIFT is pressed

Back Color
Background of the viewer. The colored background is visible if an Earth Sky Dome is not visible in the scene.

Antialiasing smoothes lines in 3D and improves the visual impression considerably. Antialiasing can be performed at different levels: None, 2X, 2XHQ, 4X, and 4XHQ. The higher level the better result but consider that higher levels also reduces performance more!

Rotate Speed
Slow: Slow camera rotation (navigation panel or keyboard shortcuts)
Fast: Fast camera rotation (navigation panel or keyboard shortcuts). Active when SHIFT is pressed

Size of the 3D Viewer window in pixels.

When the Fog check box is checked a fog is shown in the 3D viewer. Objects completely hidden behind fog is not rendered and therefore improves performance. In addition the fog may improve the visual appearance of the scene.
Fog Start: No fog in the scene until this distance from the camera.
Fog End: Full fog at this distance from the camera. Fog density gradually increases between Fog Start and Fog End.

Lens Tab

Focal Length: Works as focal length in real world cameras. When increasing this value (>50) the camera zooms in (tele), when decreasing the camera zooms out (wide angle). Very small values will produce a fish-eye-effect.

Near Plane Cut Off
Near Plane Bias: Objects closer that this distance from the camera is not shown. Near Plane Bias can be changed with keyboard shortcuts: CTRL+I = increase, CTRL+U = decrease.
Min. Near Plane Bias: Minimum value for Near Plane Bias. A very small Near Plane Bias may cause flickering when viewing 3D objects from a large distance.
Shortcut Increment: Near Plane Bias is changed with this value when using keyboard shortcuts.

Far Plane Cut Off
Depth Of View: Objects beyond this distance from Near Plane Bias is not shown. Example: To show a 50m wide slice of data that starts 100m from the camera Near Plane Bias should be set to 100m and Depth of View to 50m (assuming that scene units are meters).

New Orthogonal View…: The New Orthogonal View button opens the Orthogonal View Editor where the camera can be configured to orthogonal view.
Perspective: Restores normal perspective camera view
Orthogonal: Restores previous orthogonal view

Defaults Tab

The coordinates and settings in the Default Camera Position box is used when the user presses the Reset Camera Position button in the Navigation Panel.
Get Current Position: Retrieves the current position of the camera.

3D Tab

Settings for the visual appearance of the camera in 3D.

See also:
3D Viewers
Navigation Panel

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/camera/camera_object.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/06 19:04 by gs3d