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Camera Bookmarks

Use camera bookmarks to save named camera positions in the scene. Saved camera positions are available from the context menu in the 3D Viewer. Camera Bookmarks are managed with the Camera Bookmarks Editor. In the Camera Bookmarks Editor bookmarks may be deleted and renamed, and you may jump to a bookmark.

3D Viewer Context Menu Regarding Camera Bookmarks:
Camera Bookmarks (Sub Menu): Contains saved camera bookmarks. Select to go to bookmark
Save Camera Bookmark: Save the current camera position as a named bookmark.
Clear Camera Bookmarks: Deletes all saved camera bookmarks
Manage Camera Bookmarks: Opens the Camera Bookmarks Editor

Camera Bookmarks Editor
Shows a list of the bookmarks currently saved in the scene.
Delete: Deletes the selected bookmark
Rename: Renames the selected bookmark
Move To: Move the current camera to the selected bookmark. You may also double click a bookmark to move.

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/camera/camera_bookmarks.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/11 00:01 by