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XYZ Points Object

The XYZ Points object is a general purpose object used to visualize point based data. Points can have many different shapes, colors, and be scaled in all three dimensions. The XYZ Point object visualizes a Tabular Dataset.

NOTE: The “Refresh Data” button must be pressed to refresh the data from source. The “Apply” button will only affect the visual appearance.

General Tab

Name: Object name as seen in the Object Manager
Visible: Show/Hide the object
Not Editable: When checked the object can not be edited and will not be included in the editable objects drop down list
Visible Distance: Points beyond this distance will not be visible
Statistics…: Shows XYZ Statistics Dialog.
Remark: General purpose remark

Data Tab

Dataset: The XYZ Point object visualizes a Tabular Dataset.

Geometry Tab

3D Objects (slower)
Slower 3D performance
Visible: If unchecked the points are not visible. This option should only be used when lines are visible.
Point Type: Selects the point type or geometry. For some point types the number of slices can be changed. Note: Complex point types especially spheres may have great impact on performance if the dataset contains many points. Point types are cube, cone, dodecahedron, icosahedron, plane, disk, extrusion solid, and freeform. Most object geometries are self explanatory. However, see the description of extrusion solid and freeform below.

Extrusion Solid Point Type
The Extrusion solid geometry point type makes is possible to show an extruded polygon at every data point position. The polygon node coordinates should be entered in counter-clockwise order.

Freeform Point Type
With the Freeform geometry point type an imported geometry as in the Freeform Object can be shown from a Freeform Dataset at every data point position. This could be any object, e.g., trees. Beware that complex objects have great impact on performance.

Simple Dots (faster)
Faster 3D performance
Visible: If checked the points are visible as simple dots.
Size (pixels): Size of dots in pixels

Fit Tab

Point centers, tops, or bottoms may be fitted to a surface or a fixed elevation value.
Use Point Elevation (no fitting): The point elevation (or depth) from the dataset is used unchanged. The point is fitted to its own native position.
Center Point To Surface: Point centers are fitted to a surface.
Below Surface: Point tops are fitted to a surface, placing the point immediately below the surface.
Above Surface: Point bottoms are fitted to a surface, placing the point immediately above the surface.
Center Point To Elevation: Point centers are fitted to a specified elevation.
Below Elevation: Point tops are fitted to a specified elevation.
Above Elevation: Point bottoms are fitted to a specified elevation.
Fit To Surface: Name of surface for use in fitting.
Fit To Elevation: Elevation value used for fitting.
Vertical Fit Offset: Positive or negative offset applied after fitting. This makes it possible to fit to a surface and show the points at a specified distance from the surface.

NOTE: When fitting points above or below a surface or elevation the point Z scale value is used to position the point. When fitting “above” positive values are show above, but negative value are actually shown below. This pattern is opposite when fitting “below”.

Scale Tab

Points are scaled in X, Y, and Z directions using two different scaling modes. In “Absolute” mode the point scale (size) is calculated by multiplying “Factor” with 1 or a “Dataset Field” value. In relative mode the point scale is calculated as relative to “Max Size” (when checking “Relative” the label “Factor” changes to “Max Size”). Relative mode should be used when field values are large. When selecting another Dataset Field you may have to press “Refresh Data” to read the selected field.

Material Tab

Color Scale: Uses a color scale to color points using a dataset field. Press the “Color Scale…” button to select and/or edit a color scale with the Color Scale Editor.
Show Legend: Show legend form
Single Color: All points have the same color. Press the “Color” button to select a color.
Dataset Field: The dataset field that is used to color the points using a color scale. When selecting another Dataset Field you may have to press “Refresh Data” to read the selected field.
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency)
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Line Tab

Lines may be drawn between points. Points may or may not be visible. The lines are simple 2D lines with no 3D appearance. They have the same width for all distances to the camera.
Color Scale: Color lines using the colorscale selected in the Material Tab
Single Color: The lines will be drawn with a single color
Color: Line color used in single color mode
Line Visible: When checked a line is drawn between points.
Antialiased: Line is antialiased
Line Width: Line width in pixels.
Line Type: Type of line: Lines (straight) or Cubic Spline
Separate Line Path Segments: Use this option to show multiple polyline segments from a single tabular dataset, e.g., ground water particle paths.
Path ID Field: Field in dataset used to deparate path segments

Labels Tab

Visible: Show/Hide the labels
Visible Distance: Labels are shown within this distance from the camera. Keep low to improve performance.

Horizontal: Horizontal text scale factor
Vertical: Vertical text scale factor
Depth: Text depth scale factor. Effective only when extrusion is greater than zero.

Position And Angle
Rotate Towards Camera: Labels are rotated towards the active camera. Rotating a lot of labels will have a negative impact on performance.
Rotation Angle: When the labels are not rotated towards the camera the label will have this rotation angle.
Vertical Offset: Distance from the labeled object to the bottom of the label.
Vertical Angle: Label rotation from horizontal (counter clockwise).

Font: Text font
Color: Text color
Text Height: Height of text (font size)
Extrusion: 3D text depth.

Text Alignment
Horizontal: Horizontal text alignment
Vertical: vertical text alignment

Label Field: dataset field to use for label text

Profile Tab

The Profile tab contains settings used when XYZ Points are shown in profile windows.

Horiz. Size: Horizontal size of points in pixels.
Vert. Size: Vertical size of points in pixels.
Style: Point shape

Visible: Show line between points when checked
Width: Line width in pixels
Style: Line style

Visible: Show/Hide labels for XYZ points
Color: Text color
Background: Show/Hide text background
Height: Text height
Offset: Text offset in pixels in the offset direction
Offset direction: Offset direction for the label text
Up: Above point
Down: Below point
Left: Left of point
Right: Right of point
Orientation: Orientation of the label text
Horizontal: Horizontal orientation of the label text
Vertical: Vertical orientation of the label text

Projection Distance Label
Visible: Label below point showing the distance the point has been moved when projected on to the profile center plane. Negative when the point is behind the profile and positive when the point is in front of the profile.
Height: Text height
Offset: Vertical text offset in pixels

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/xyz_points_object.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 15:05 by