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TDV Models (2D Geophysics) Object

TDV Models (2D Geophysics) visualizes a group of interpreted 2D geophysical earth model. MEP (Multi Electrode Profiling uses 2D models). Each cell in the model represents a resistivity that is colored using a colorscale. Use the info tool (or the context menu in 3D Viewers) to click individual cells or labels for information.

Each TDV Models object represents a group of models from the same TDV Dataset.

NOTE: The “Refresh Data” button must be pressed to refresh the data from source. The “Apply” button will only affect the visual appearence.

General Tab

Name: Object name as seen in the Object Manager
Visible: Show/Hide the object
Visible Distance: Beyond this distance TDV model cells are not visible.

Fit To Surface
Active: When checked and a surface is selected in the “Available Surfaces” drop down all the models are fitted to that surface. The fitting is purely visual - the data are not changed.
Available Surfaces: Available surfaces in the project that can be used for fitting.

Data Tab

TDV Dataset: Selects the TDV Dataset

Geometry Tab

Fence Mode: All cells are rendered as a single object. Individual cells can not be clicked for object info. This is the fastest mode.
Cell Mode: Cells are rendered as single objects. Individual cell can be clicked for object info.

Material Tab

Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency).
Colors Scale: Opens the Color Scale Editor. Select standard color scales for geophysical data in the Colorscales directory.
Show Legend: Show legend form
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Profile Tab

The Profile tab contains settings used when the surface is shown in profile windows.

Percent Fill: Model cells are represented as rectangles in the profile window. This setting controls how large the rectangles are. When set to 100 (the default) the cells are represented as a solid colored area. When less than 100 the profile background can bee seen in between the cells.
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/tdv_models_2d_geophysics_object.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 14:59 by