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Profile Window

The profile window shows a profile in a traditional 2D fashion. Data are projected onto the vertical profile fence from both sides of the fence. Because of the projection the exact position of data in 3D is not so easy to see. However, it is easier to compare and correlate the position of data vertically. 2D profiles are an important tool in geological modeling.

The content of the profile window is controlled by the geometry of the profile in 3D and the buffer distances defined for each data object. The profile window automatically shows all the data in the scene. The visibility of data is controlled with the Object Manager which means that what is visible in 3D is also visible in the profile window.

All data types commonly used in geological modeling are visible in profile windows:
1D Vertical Geophysics (TEM, PACES, etc.)
2D Vertical Geophysics (MEP)
Surfaces (grids)
Surface Time Series (including animations)
Solid Layers
3D Grids
XYZ Points


The profile window consists of a main profile that shows the full length of the profile and an orthogonal profile that shows a sub profile positioned orthogonal to the main profile. The orthogonal profile position on the main profile is controlled by a slider below the main profile. The position of the orthogonal profile is show in 3D when the profile window is open. When zooming in on the main profile the with of the orthogonal profile decreases.

The toolbar and context menu contains a number of actions that will be described below. The availability of actions depends on version and the current edit session. Most actions are available on both the main and the orthogonal profile. However, zooming is limited to the main profile.

From the context menu in the profile object properties and info is available.

Object Properties…
Opens the properties window of selected object.

Show Legend
Opens the legend window of selected object.

Object Info
Opens the information window of selected object.

Blanking active (3D)
Activates the Profile blanking.


Digitizer Tool
Activates the digitizer tool. Use the digitizer tool to digitize XYZ-coordinates and save them in a csv file. While active click the profile window with the mouse to add points. See actions related to the digitizer tool below.

Create Object From Digitized Points
Creates an object from a set of digitized points, see Create Object From Digitized Points.

Save Digitized Points…
Saves the digitized points to a csv file.

Delete Last Digitized Point
Deletes the last digitized point.

Clear Digitized Points…
Clear the digitized points.

Pan Tool
Activates the pan tool

Zoom In Tool
Activates the zoom in tool. Drag from top-left to lower-right to zoom in. Click to zoom in at the clicked position.

Zoom Out Tool
Activates the zoom out tool. Drag from top-left to lower-right to zoom out. Click to zoom out at the clicked position.

Undo Zoom
Zoom the profile to full extent

Fixed Vertical Scale
The profile window is shown with a fixed vertical scale, which is defined in the project settings.

Fixed Orthogonal Buffer
The orthogonal profile window is shown with a fixed orthogonal buffer, which is defined in the Profile Object
under the window tab.

Go Back In Profile Zoom History
Zoom backwards in profile zoom history

Go Forward In Profile Zoom History
Zoom forward in profile zoom history

Hide Labels
Hides all labels for well or geophysical 1D model

Disabled (excluded)
Disables or enables a well or geophysical 1D model (Editor Version).

Data use Remark (Disabled data)
Remark regarding the reason for excluding or including data (Editor Version).

A profile consisting og two nodes (straight line) and with visible handles can be navigated using keyboard shortcuts. Navigation settings are available in Profile Object

Center At Clicked Object
Centers the profile at the clicked object, e.g. a well, ODV model, or XYZ point.

Center At Clicked Position (Shift + Click)
Centers the profile at the clicked coordinate. This is can also be done by clicking the profile while pressing shift.

Offset Forward (Shift + Up)
Moves the profile forward one offset distance (into the screen).

Offset Back (Shift + Down)
Moves the profile backwards one offset distance (out from the screen).

Slide Left (Shift + Left)
Moves the profile left along the profile direction

Slide Right (Shift + Right)
Moves the profile right along the profile direction

Move Up (Alt + Up)
Moves the profile up i elevation

Move Down (Alt + Down)
Moves the profile down elevation

Rotate Left (Ctrl + Left)
Rotates the profile left (counter clockwise)

Rotate Right (Ctrl + Right)
Rotates the profile right (clockwise)

Expand Horizontally (Shift + Ctrl + Right)
Expands the profile length

Shrink Horizontally (Shift + Ctrl + Left)
Shrinks the profile length

Expand Vertically (Shift + Ctrl + Up)
Expands the profile height

Shrink Vertically (Shift + Ctrl + Down)
Shrinks the profile height

Orthogonal Profile

Orthogonal Profile
Hide or show the orthogonal profile

Orthogonal Profile Follow Mouse
The position of the orthogonal profile slider follows the mouse pointer


Surfaces Only
Show only surface objects. Available only in the main profile. Use this option when the orthogonal profile is long relative to the main profile (large buffer distance), and you want to use the main profile only to control the position of the orthogonal profile.

Show Profile Nodes
Show a vertical blue line for each of the coordinates that define the profile polyline.

Show Crossing Profiles
Show the position of other profiles

Show Crossing Regions
Show the position of other regions

Show scale
Show the scale of the profile window in the left down corner

Refresh Profile
Refreshes the complete profile

Print Main Profile…
Print profile

Export Profile…
Export profile to bitmap or Windows meta file

Editor Actions

Default Pointer Tool
Activates the default pointer and box select tool

Insert Points Tool
Selects the insert point tool. Available when XYZ edit session is active (Editor Version).

Move Points Tool
Selects the move points tool. Available when XYZ edit session is active (Editor Version).

Move Grid Edit Tool
Moves the current grid edit tool to a new location. Available when grid edit session is active (Editor Version).

Move and Apply Grid Edit Tool
Moves and applies the current grid edit tool. Available when grid edit session is active (Editor Version).

Move and Apply Grid Editor Tool
Applies the Grid Editor tool at its current position. Available when grid edit session is active (Editor Version).

Vertical Polygon Tool (profile)
Digitizes a polygon when editing a 3D grid. The 3D grid nodes within the polygon and within the profile buffer is assigned the value defined in the Grid Editor Tool when pressing Apply Grid Editor Tool

Pick Grid Nodes Tool (profile)
Pick grid nodes using eye dropper function.

Pick Value Tool (profile)
Pick value or symbol using eye dropper function.

Clear Digitized Points…
Clear all digitized points

Apply Edit
Apply edit to the chosen location.

Undo Edit
Undoes the last edit. Available when edit session is active (Editor Version).

Redo Edit
Redoes the last edit. Available when edit session is active (Editor Version).

Grid Operations
From the grid operations dialog a series of operations can be performed on the grid, see Grid Operations

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/profile/profile_window.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 15:18 by