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Multiple Profiles Properties

With the Multiple Profiles dialog settings for a complete group of profiles can be modified simultaneously. The Multiple Profiles property editor is available from the parent group object context menu in the Object Manager or the context menu for a profile in 3D.

Note: Not all settings available for single profiles are available for multiple profiles.

General Tab

Note: Default settings in multiple profiles are taken from the first/top profile in the profile group.
Visible: Show/Hide the object
Outline: Shows a dashed outline of the fence
Blanking Active: The Profile blanking is active.
Hide Crossing: If this option is selected in a specific profile, the profile crossing for this specific profile will not show on other profiles.
Rounded Buffer Ends: When the Profile blanks surfaces and other data the two ends of the profile are round if this option is selected.
Solid Layer At Polyline: Solid layers will be rendered along the 3D Profile fence. When this option is checked the fence in the 3D Profile should not be visible.
Solid Layer At Buffer: Solid layers will be rendered along the default buffer outline of the 3D profile object.

Change Top Elevation: Elevation of the top edge. Check to apply change.
Change Bottom Elevation: Elevation of the bottom edge. Check to apply change.

Cummulative Profile Length Info
Current Group: Total number and length of all profiles in the current group
Project Total: Total number and length of all profiles in the project

Handles Tab

Handles are shown as spheres above each of the nodes in the fence. Fence nodes may be moved in the XY plane by dragging the sphere directly in 3D. If CTRL is pressed while dragging all nodes are dragged horizontally. If the ALT key is pressed all handles and the top edge is dragged vertically. if ALT+CTRL is pressed while dragging the complete fence in dragged vertically. The sphere color is the same as the fence color.

Enable Node Drag: Nodes may be dragged if enabled
Handle Radius: Radius of the sphere in scene units.

Material Tab

Only basic material settings for the fence is available. Bitmaps must be added for each individual profile.

Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency)
Color: The plane background color.
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Labels Tab

Visible: Show/Hide the labels
Visible Distance: Labels are shown within this distance from the camera. Keep low to improve performance.
End Nodes Only: Labels are only shown for first and last node.

Horizontal: Horizontal text scale factor
Vertical: Vertical text scale factor
Depth: Text depth scale factor. Effective only when extrusion is greater than zero.

Position And Angle
Rotate Towards Camera: Labels are rotated towards the active camera. Rotating a lot of labels will have a negative impact on performance.
Rotation Angle: When the labels are not rotated towards the camera the label will have this rotation angle.
Vertical Offset: Distance from the labeled object to the bottom of the label.
Vertical Angle: Label rotation from horizontal (counter clockwise).

Font: Text font
Color: Text color
Text Height: Height of text (font size)
Extrusion: 3D text depth.

Text Alignment
Horizontal: Horizontal text alignment
Vertical: vertical text alignment

Buffers Tab

Each blankable object in the scene is shown in the list. A buffer radius can be specified for each object.

Window Tab

Fixed Scale: Defines same fixed scale for all profile windows.
Vertical Scale: Define the vertical scale for all profile windows.
Pixels Per Unit: Define pixels per unit for all profile windows.

Additional drawing in the profile window
Show Profile Nodes: Show a vertical blue line for each of the coordinates that define the profile polyline.
Show Profile Crossings: Show the position of other profiles
Show Scale: Show the current vertical scale for the profile window
Vertical Grid: Show vertical grid behind profile data
Horizontal Grid: Show horizontal grid behind profile data

Orthogonal Profile
Fixed Buffer: Use fixed size buffer for orthogonal profile windows. If not checked a percentage of the visible portion of the main profile is used.
Buffer: Fixed size buffer for orthogonal

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/profile/multiple_profiles_properties.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/20 17:06 by