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ODV Models (1D Geophysics) Object

ODV Models (1D Geophysics) visualizes a group of interpreted 1D geophysical earth models. Each layer in the model represents a resistivity that is colored using a colorscale. Use the info tool (or the context menu in 3D Viewers) to click individual layers or labels for information.

Each ODV Models object represents a group of models from the same ODV Dataset.

NOTE: The “Refresh Data” button must be pressed to refresh the data from source. The “Apply” button will only affect the visual appearence.

General Tab

Name: Object name as seen in the Object Manager
Visible: Show/Hide the object

Fit To Surface
Active: When checked and a surface is selected in the “Available Surfaces” drop down all the models are fitted to that surface. The fitting is purely visual - the data are not changed.
Surface: Available surfaces in the project that can be used for fitting.

Remark: General purpose remark

Data Tab

ODV Dataset: Selects the ODV Dataset

Layer Top and Bottom Data Mode (advanced)
Determine what data fields in the dataset that are used for layer top and bottom depths.
Use Thicknesses (default): Layers are simply stacked using depths calculated from the thicknesses. In order to use the thicknesses all layers must be present in the dataset.
Use Depths: The depths in the dataset are used directly for layer top and bottom. If not all layers are present in the dataset, this option must be used in order to position the layers correctly.

Export Report
Exports a report in csv format for the ODV models. The report contains key information for the model usage. The file format is described below.

89.   63;570729;6217334;70.5;0;Unreliable
89.   65;567911;6218234;77.5;0;OK
89.   83B;573321;6215967;47.5;0;

ID: Model ID
X: Model X-coordinate
Y: Model Y-cooordinate
Z: Model elevation
Fitted: The value is “0” if not fitted to terrain and “1” if the Model is fitted.
Remark: Usage Include/Exclude remark entered by the user when used in geologic modelling.


In the Geometry tab the visual geometry of the models are configured. The models may be shown as single model cylinders or as fences that are constructed from multiple models. Multi model fence is recommended for ODV models recorded in lines, e.g. PACES or SkyTEM.

Single Model Cylinders
Visible: Show single model cylinders
Top Radius: Top radius of models (the radius will vary if show as cones).
Slices: Number of slices in layer cylinders.
Slope: If different from zero the model is shown as a cone to symbolize the footprint of the geophysical method.
Max Visible Distance: Beyond this distance ODV Models are not visible.
Layers Visible Distance: Beyond this distance layers are not visible. Only sounding indicators as simple cylinders that simply indicates the position and depth of the models are visible.
Indicator Color: Sounding indicator color.
Show Every: Reduces the number of models shown in 3D within “Layers Visible Distance” (modulator). Example: If set to 5 then only every fifth model is shown. The dataset remains the same size though. To reduce the dataset size add a modulator in the SQL section of the ODV dataset configuration dialog.
All Close To Camera: When checked all models are shown close to the camera even when “Show Every” is larger than 1.

Multi Model Fence
Visible: Show multi model fence
Next Model Search Radoius: Models that within this distance from each other will be added to the same fence. NOTE: This will only work if the models in the source are saved in the order they were recorded in the field.

Infinite Bottom Layer Thickness: Thickness assigned to bottom layer (thickness of bottom layer is not determined and therefore not in the dataset)

Material Tab

Single Model Cylinders
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency). Transparent layers are not recommended in general.
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Multi Model Fence
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency). Transparent layers are not recommended in general.
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Colors Scale: Opens the Color Scale Editor. Select standard color scales for geophysical data in the Colorscales directory.
Show Legend: Show legend form

ID Labels Tab

Label showing the model ID above the model

Visible: Show/Hide the labels
Visible Distance: Labels are shown within this distance from the camera. Keep low to improve performance.

Horizontal: Horizontal text scale factor
Vertical: Vertical text scale factor
Depth: Text depth scale factor. Effective only when extrusion is greater than zero.

Position And Angle
Rotate Towards Camera: Labels are rotated towards the active camera. Rotating a lot of labels will have a negative impact on performance.
Rotation Angle: When the labels are not rotated towards the camera the label will have this rotation angle.
Vertical Offset: Distance from the labeled object to the bottom of the label.
Vertical Angle: Label rotation from horizontal (counter clockwise).

Font: Text font
Color: Text color
Text Height: Height of text (font size)
Extrusion: 3D text depth.

Text Alignment
Horizontal: Horizontal text alignment
Vertical: vertical text alignment

Layer Labels Tab

Label shown to the left and at the top of each layer in the model. If multiple contiguous layers have the same label text the label is only shown for the first of the identical layers going from top to bottom.

Visible: Show/Hide the labels
Visible Distance: Labels are shown within this distance from the camera. Keep low to improve performance.

Position And Angle
Rotate Towards Camera: Labels are rotated towards the active camera. Rotating a lot of labels will have a negative impact on performance.
Offset: Horizontal left offset from the model.

Font: Text font
Color: Text color
Text Height: Height of text (font size)

Inclination Tab

The direction of ODV Models may be set normal to a surface. The surface is normally the scene terrain model, but may be any surface.
Normal To Surface: Set the direction of models as normal to a surface
Available Surfaces: Shows the available surfaces in the current scene
Average Normal Direction Within This Radius: The resulting normal will be calculated as an average of all the surface triangle normals within this radius. Use this feature to reduse the influence of noise in the surface. As a rule of thumb this radius should be approximately twice the surface grid node spacing.
Reduce Layer Thickness According to Layer Inclination: Use this feature to automatically reduce the layer thickness when layers are inclinated in respect to horizontal. This is necessary because the distance from top to bottom of an inclinated layer is larger than in a horizontal layer. This feature assumes plane layers.

Profile Tab

The Profile tab contains settings used when ODV Models are shown in profile windows.

Width: The width of the model in pixels.
Show Every: Reduces the number of models shown in 3D within Example: If set to 5 then only every fifth model is shown.

Outline: Outline layers on ODV Models

ID Label
Visible: Show/Hide ID labels above models
Height: Text height
Offset: Vertical text offset in pixels.

Layer Label
Visible: Show/Hide layer lithology label to the left of each layer in the model
Height: Text height
Offset: Horizontal text offset in pixels

Projection Distance Label
Visible: Label below the model showing the distance the model has been moved when projected on to the profile center plane. Negative when the model is behind the profile and positive when the model is in front of the profile.
Height: Text height.
Offset: Vertical text offset in pixels.

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/odv_models/odv_models_1d_geophysics_object.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 14:55 by