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Movement Path Object

A Movement Path Object consists of a cubic spline defined by a list of XYZ points. Each of the points have an associated speed and text. Movement paths are used in Camera Animation Objects.

Creating a movement path

The easiest way to create a new movement path is to use the Digitizer Tool. Use the digitizer tool to add points along a rough flight path by digitizing points on a terrain model surface object. After the digitized points have been saved they can be imported and further adjusted within the Movement Path. Note: Do not add more points than necessary. It is much easier to create a smooth flight with a few well placed and evenly spaced points.

Editing a Movement Path in 3D

Movement path nodes can be moved, inserted and deleted directly in 3D or in the Path tab in the object editor as described below. To edit nodes in 3D the “Enable Node Drag” option must be checked (see below).
- Drag nodes with the mouse in the XY-plane
- Drag while pressing ALT to move nodes vertically
- Drag while pressing CTRL to move all nodes in the XY-plane
- Drag while pressing CTRL + ALT to move all nodes vertically.
- Right-click a node handle to insert and delete nodes from the context menu.

General Tab

Name: Object name as seen in the Object Manager
Visible: Show/Hide the object
Speed Factor: When used in an animation all the speed values are multiplied with this value.
Node Radius: Radius of the blue dodecahedron object shown for each node in 3D.

Handles Tab

Enable Node Drag: When checked a handle sphere is shown for each node in 3D. The handles may be used to drag the nodes in 3D. See “Editing a Movement Path in 3D” above.
Handle Radius: Radius for the handle sphere. Note: If the Node Radius on the General Tab is larger than the Handle Radius, the handle radius is automatically increased so that the handle is always visible when ebabled.

Path Tab

The movement path can be edited in the Path tab. See “Editing a Movement Path in 3D” above for a description on how to edit in 3D.
The list in the upper portion of the editor shows the list of movement path node coordinates, their speed and text. Text is optional. The lower part of the editor shows various controls to edit the nodes. When selecting a node in the list the corresponding node will be marked with a sphere in 3D.

When editing an existing node the focused value (X, Y, or Z) can be edited using the arrow buttons in the “Edit Waypoint” box. The arrow buttons use the increment value from the edit box.

Waypoint List Operations
The operations in this box manipulates nodes in the list.
Add New (last): Adds a new node at the end of the list. The new node is offset from the previous last node in the list.
Insert Before: Inserts a new node before the selected node. The new node is position between the selected node and the node above the selected node.
Delete Selected: Deletes the selected node.

Camera Position
The operations in this box uses the current camera coordinate.
Add New (last): Adds a new node with the current camera position to the end of the list.
Move To Selected: The current camera is moved to the selected node position.

Import: Imports nodes from a CSV file. The CSV file must contain the fields X and Y. The elevation Z, Speed, and Text are optional. Note: If the CSV file does not contain Z the nodes are placed at elevation zero when importing.
Export: Exports the current movement path to a CSV file

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/movement_path_object.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 15:34 by