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3D Grid Object

3D Grid Objects represents 3D Grids. A 3D Grid is essentially a stack of 2D grids. In 3D Grids the node value varies in all three dimensions in space. 3D Grids may be the result of a 3D interpolation of XYZ Point data or a manually edited grid using the Grid Editor Tool.

Visualizing 3D Grids
3D grids are visualized in a number of different ways.
Node Points: Each grid node is shown as a simple dot with no 3D geometry.
Node Cubes: Each grid node is shown as a 3D box (voxel).
Slices: A plane through the 3D Grid is colored from the values of the grid nodes that it intersects
Isosurfaces: An isosurface is a contour in 3D. The contour surface is rendered where the value in the grid exactly matches a specified value.

General Tab

Name: Object name as seen in the Object Manager
Visible: Show/Hide the object
Not Editable: When checked the object can not be edited and will not be included in the editable objects drop down list
Bounding Box: Show a wire frame box along grid boundaries.
Remark: General purpose remarks

Data Tab

3D Grid Dataset: Grid 3D Dataset
Export To File: Export the grid to various file formats
Grid Info: Various information about the 3D Grid

Nodes Tab

The nodes tab contains settings that controls the visualization of grid nodes as dots or cubes.

Node Points
Visible: Grids nodes will be visible as points
Value Limits: If checked only grid nodes within the value limits are visible
Surface Limits: If checked only grid nodes within the surface limits are visible
Region Limits: If checked only grid nodes within the region limit are visible
Size: Maximum size in pixels of the visual grid node points on the screen

Node Cubes
Visible: Grids nodes will be visible as cubes
Value Limits: If checked only grid nodes within the value limits are visible
Surface Limits: If checked only grid nodes within the surface limits are visible
Region Limits: If checked only grid nodes within the region limit are visible

Single Cubes: Each node cube is a single object that can be clicked with the mouse for object info. NOTE: Use this option only if the number of nodes is limited.
Mesh: All node cubes are rendered as a single object, and each node can not be clicked with the mouse for object info.

Visibility Mode
This setting controls how node cubes are rendered.
All: All node cubes and all faces of each cube are rendered even when they are surrounded by visible nodes.
Not Hidden, full cubes: Only nodes that are not surrounded by visible nodes to all sides are rendered. All faces of each cube are rendered.
Not Hidden, shell: Only nodes that are not surrounded by visible nodes to all sides are rendered. Only faces of each cube that borders invisible nodes are rendered. This is the fastest mode.

Width: Width of cubes (X-direction)
Height: Height of cubes (Y-direction)
Depth: Depth of cubes (Z-direction)
Adjust To Grid Spacing: Set cube size to grid node spacing.

Visible Dist.: Grid nodes beyond this distance are not visible.

Slices Tab

One slice can be visible for each of the three main planes in the grid: Horizontal XY, Vertical ZX, and Vertical ZY. The three group tabs each represents one of these slices. To add/remove a 3D grid slice, simply press the Add(blue cross)/remove (red cross) buttons. Drag the slider or type a grid node index to move the slice. The corresponding variable coordinate for the slice is shown above the grid node index edit box.

Note: You can operate with as many 3D grid slices necessary.

Visible: The slice will be visible
Value Limits: If checked only the portion of the slice that intersects grid nodes within the value limits range is visible
Surface Limits: If checked only the portion of the slice that is within the surface limit space is visible
Region Limit: If checked only the portion of the slice that is within the region limit space is visible

Isosurfaces Tab

  • : add a new iso surface, multiple iso surfaces can be added within on grid
  • Visible: set the visibility of the current iso surface
  • Limits :
    • Surface: if checked only the portion of the iso surface that is within the surface limit space is visible
    • Region: if checked only the portion of the iso surface that is within the region limit space is visible
  • Export: export the current iso surface to a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) file
  • Volume: show the volumetric information of the current iso surface (node count, volume). NOTE: The volume calculation is based on voxels with center node within isosurface. This means that the volume is only an approximation of the true volume.
  • Iso Value selection:
    • For floating 3D grid:
    • Iso Value: iso value of the current iso surface
    • Increment Step: increment step for Iso Value, a scientific expression could be used here for example : 1e-5
  • For discrete 3D grid :
    • Select the symbol value in the list

Limits Tab

This tab contains settings for value limits and surface limits that are also used when visualizing the grid with slices and isosurfaces.

Value Limits sets a lower and upper boundary for the grid node value to limit the visibility of node points, node cubes, slices, and isosurfaces.

Node Value Interval: If Value Limits are used only nodes within Min and Max limits are visible. Drag the slider or type values in the edit boxes. If the grid contains discrete values a symbol from the list can be selected to set min and max.
Auto Apply Changes in Value Limits: When value limits are changed node points, slices, and isosurfaces are updated automatically if the check boxes are checked.

Surface Limits sets a lower and an upper surface to limit the visibility of node points, node cubes, slices, and isosurfaces. Surface limits may be used to cut off the grid above terrain and/or between layer surfaces. Each of the two surfaces may be active or inactive.

Region Limit set a region to limit the visibility of node points, node cubes, slices, and iso surfaces. By default no region is selected (None).

Material Tab

Under the material tab, the materiel properties for all visual elements (points, cubes, slices, isosurface) are controlled.

Symbols…: (discrete value grids) One symbol list is used for all visual elements. Press the “Symbols …” button to open the Symbol List Editor.
Show Legend: Show legend form

Node Points
Symbol Color: (discrete value grids) Use the symbol color
Single Color: Use single color. Press Color button to select a color

Node Cubes
Symbol Color: (discrete value grids) Use the symbol color
Single Color: Use single color. Press Color button to select a color
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency)
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Symbol Color: (discrete value grids) Use the symbol color
Single Color: Use single color. Press Color button to select a color
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency)
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor

Symbol Color: (discrete value grids) Use the symbol color
Single Color: Use single color. Press Color buttonto select a color
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent (enabled when Blending Mode = Transparency)
Advanced: Shows the advanced Material Editor
Faceted (Isosurface only): Triangles in the isosurface will be shaded individually resulting in a faceted look.

Statistics Tab

In the statistics tab a few summary statistical parameters are calculated and shown. NOTE: The parameters are calculated based on the nodes that would be visible based on the check boxes Value Limits, Surface Limits and Region Limit.

NOTE: The volume calculation is based on the number of voxels with center node within isosurface. This means that the volume is only an approximation of the true volume.

For discrete value grids a node count and volume is shown in a list for each of the symbols used in the grid. The list is calclated for the full 3D grid in the current scene.

Profile Tab

The Profile tab contains settings used when the surface is shown in profile windows.

Percent Fill: Voxels are represented as rectangles in the profile window. This setting controls how large the rectangles are. When set to 100 (the default) the 3D grid is represented as a solid colored area. When less than 100 the profile background can bee seen in between the voxels.
Opacity: Degree of opacity. 1=fully opaque, 0=fully transparent

Interpolation Tab

If the grid is the result of an interpolation performed in GeoScene3D this tab will contain information regarding the interpolation. If the settings are found you may run a new interpolation based on the same data and settings as was used to produce the current grid. Note: The data used to produce the grid may not be available any more.

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/objects/3d_grid_object.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 14:36 by