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Create Source Wizard

The Create Source Wizard is used to create a new source file.

Sources that may be created using the wizard are:
Surfer Grid file (*.grd)
GeoScene 3D Grid File (*.grd3)
CSV File (*.csv, *.txt)

Type Page

Select the main type of source to create
Grid File: Select to create a grid file
CSV File: Select to create a CSV file

Sub Type Tab

Select a sub type for the new source files.
2D Grid File (*.grd): The new source file is a surfer grid file
3D Grid File (*.grd3): The new source file is a GeoScene3D grid file
CSV File (*.csv): CSV text file with the extension *.csv
CSV File (*.txt): CSV text file with the extension *.txt

Grid Geometry Page

In the geometry grid tab the size and geometry of the resulting grids is defined.

Grid Extent (corner node coordinates)
Enter the min and max X, Y, and Z coordinates of the resulting grid.
Adjust: Adjusts (rounds) grid extent to the selected node spacing and node count. Max = min + (node spacing * node count).
Scene Extent: Sets grid extent to the current scene extent.

Node Spacing
Distance between grid nodes in X, Y, and Z directions. Node spacing is a function of the side length of the grid and the number of nodes. Example: X node spacing = X side length / (X node count - 1). Note: 2D grids must have equal node spacing in X and Y.

Node Count
Number of grid nodes in X, Y, and Z directions.

Grid Info
Information about width, height, depth, and number of nodes in the resulting grid.

Grid Values Tab (2D Grids)

Initial Grid Node Values
Select initial value for grid nodes
Blank: Each grid node have a blank value
Value: Each grid node have a defined value

Grid Values Tab (3D Grids)

Value Type
Select the node value type for the 3D grid (floating point or discrete). “Single” is recommended for floating point grids. “Byte” is recommended for symbol grids, e.g., lithology. Memory use = nodes in grid * bytes per node.

Initial Grid Node Values
Select initial value for grid nodes
Blank: Each grid node have a blank value
Value: Each grid node have a defined value

CSV File Page

Define column names for the CSV file. The columns ID, X, Y, and Z are defined by default.

Location Tab

The new source will be created at this location
Source Filename: Select a location for the new source

Permalink geoscene3d/application/data_management/create_source_wizard.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/21 18:36 by