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Grid Time Series Dataset

A Grid Time Series Dataset represents a series of 2D Grids. Each of the 2D grids consists of regularly spaced rows and columns of numeric values. Usually the value is an elevation. Each of the grids have an associated time stamp. The time interval between the grids must be constant (equidistant).

The grids are indexed from First Time Step to Last Time Step. The First and Last step in the dataset does not have to be the first and last step in the source. Therefore it is possible to use only a subset of the complete time series in the dataset.

DHI File Source (dfs)

A series of grid time steps from a DHI File Source (dfs). Files may be dfs2 or dfs3 files that are both sub types of the DHI File System format. The dataset is configured to point to two grid time steps (first and last) in the file. For dfs3 files a layer must also be selected.

The top portion of the configuration dialog shows the number of time steps in the file and the time period covered in the file.

Use All Time Steps: When this option is checked all time steps in the source is used.
Step Index: First and last index of the grid time steps in the file dataset.
Date: First and last date for the time steps in the dataset. Note: setting the date is just another way of selecting the time steps.
Time: First and last time for the time steps in the dataset. Note: setting the time is just another way of selecting the time steps.
Item: Selects the dfs file item.
Layer: Selects the layer index in the item (first layer is 1). Layer is selected in dfs3 files only.

CSV File Source

A series of single grid files ( Surfer Grid Files or ArcInfo ASCII Grid Files ) from a CSV File Source.

Source Format
The source is a group of grid files and an associated CSV file with file name and time step information for each of the grid files. If the CSV file is not located in the same directory as the grid files the file names in the CSV file must also contain full path. When selecting the source the CSV file is selected.

CSV File Example (CVS File and grids are in the same directory). The columns may be in any order:

Grid100.grd;2006;5;23;7;35;18;984;Grid 0 23-05-2006 07:35:18
Grid101.grd;2006;5;23;7;35;21;0;Grid 1 23-05-2006 07:35:21
Grid102.grd;2006;5;23;7;35;23;0;Grid 2 23-05-2006 07:35:23
Grid103.grd;2006;5;23;7;35;25;0;Grid 3 23-05-2006 07:35:25
Grid104.grd;2006;5;23;7;35;27;46;Grid 4 23-05-2006 07:35:27

FileName: File name. Must include path if CSV File is in other directory.
Year: Year for time step (optional)
Month: Month for time step (optional)
Day: Day for time step (optional)
Hour: Hour for time step (optional)
Minute: Minute for time step (optional)
Second: Second for time step (optional)
Millisecond: Millisecond for time step (optional)
Text: Optional text that may be displayed on screen when used in Time Series Animation Object

The top portion of the configuration dialog shows the number of time steps in the file and the time period covered in the file.

Use All Time Steps: When this option is checked all time steps in the source is used.
Step Index: First and last index of the grid time steps in the file dataset.
Date: First and last date for the time steps in the dataset. Note: setting the date is just another way of selecting the time steps.
Time: First and last time for the time steps in the dataset. Note: setting the time is just another way of selecting the time steps.

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/datasets/grid_time_series_dataset.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 16:46 by