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Grid Editor Tool

Both 2D grids (surfaces) and 3D Grids can be edited directly in 2D maps, 2D profile windows, and in 3D using interactive editor tools. See Editing Data for general information about editing data in GeoScene3D. Both 2D and 3D grids are edited using the same editor.

When an edit session is started for a surface or 3D Grid the Grid Editor dialog is shown. When the dialog is visible the tool is active, and the surface or 3D Grid can be edited.

While an edit session is active all changes are kept in memory. At any time during the edit session a snapshot of the grid can be exported to a file.

NOTE: The Grid Editor is affective only within the current scene extent. If the current scene extent does not cover the full extent of the edited grid source file the full grid will be update from the currently edited grid. Beware of this when editing the grid close to the edge.

All edit operations are saved in the editor tools log. While editing the individual edits may be undone or redone.

When editing 2D grids the node elevation is changed. When editing 3D grids the node value is changed. 2D grids are allways floating point value grids whereas 3D grids may be either floating point or discrete value grids, e.g., lithology. The availability of the grid editor form controls change according to the grid format. For floating point grids the node elevation or value is changed numeically whereas discrete value grid values are changed by assigning a symbol from a symbol list.

Only Surfer Binary grid version 7 (default in GeoScene3D) can be edited. If this format is used only the edited section of the grid is written back to the source which is a lot faster than writing the entire grid.


Editing is done by moving and applying a tool that applies an algorithm within a geometry. The geometry of the tool is displayed in 3D Viewers, maps, profile windows and in a sperate window ( Tool Algorithm Preview ). For 2D grids the 3D Viewer window preview show the grid as it will look after the tool is applied. For 3D grids the 3D Viewer window shows the tool geometry only.
The tool may be moved with the arrow keys, by entering a coordinate, or with the mouse in 3D Viewers, profile windows, or maps. Press the apply button to apply the tool at the current position. In 3D the tool is moved by dragging with the mouse or with CTRL+Click. In 3D the tool may be applied by double clicking to tool handle or geometry preview.

The easiest way to use the tool is probably by using dedicated mouse tools in 3D viewers, profile windows, and map windows (the tools for the 3D viewer windows are found in the main toolbar). Tools for profiles and map windows are found in the profile and map windows respectively. I all cases the tools are identical, but the result is slightly different because of the different geometry the three environments offer. The mouse tools are described below.

Move Grid Edit Tool:
This tool moves the tool to a new position but does not apply.

Move and Apply Grid Edit Tool:
This tool moves the tool to a new position and applies immediately.

Digitize Grid Edit Polygon:
Use this tool to digitize a polygon geometry in a profile window (3D Grids only).

Apply Grid Editor Tool:
Applies the tool at the current position.

Pick Value Tool:
Use this tool to pick the value from an object. If a floating point grid is currently edited the tool picks floating point values. If a discrete grid is edited then the value picks symbol values. Available only when editing 3D grids.

Pick Grid Nodes Tool:
Use this node to pick grid nodes (voxels).

The tool is applied within an area defined by shape and size parameters. The shape for 2D grids may be Ellipsis or Rectangle, and for 3D grids it may be Ellipsoid, Cylinder, Box, or Profile Polygon. The effective area or volume defined by the geometry may be further limited by region, surface, and value boundaries as described below.

Within the area defined in the Geometry and boundaries the grid is modified using a set of algorithms. Each algorithm is configured with various parameters.
Set Fixed Value: Each grid node within the area is set to Value. If the Blank Nodes check box is checked then nodes are blanked. When the Apply to Blanks check box is checked the fixed value will also be applied to blank grid nodes. NOTE: The tool must be applied twice to apply a fixed value to blank nodes. For discrete value grids the value is set using a symbol. When the Blanks Only check box is checked only blank grid nodes are changed.
Add Fixed Value: A fixed Value is added to each grid node within the area.
Gaussian: (floating point grids only) A value calculated as a function of the radial distance from the center point of the area is added to the grid nodes using a Gaussian algorithm. The Gaussian algorithm is configured with Variance and Scale. For positive scales a value is added to the grid nodes. For negative scales a value is subtracted from the grid nodes.
Smooth: (floating point grids only) The level of smoothing is calculated as a function of the radial distance from the center point using a Gaussian algorithm. The Gaussian algorithm is configured with Variance and Scale.

Tool Position
Center of the active edit tool. Center Tool X and Y coordinates can be typed manually in the edit boxes or incremented with the arrow buttons. When using the arrow button the Increment value is used. Horizontal arrow button increment in the East-West. The left vertical arrow button increment North-South. The right arrow button incremet up-down in elevation (3D grids only).

Region Boundaries
Two regions may be used to limit the grid editor tool geometry.
Inside: Grid nodes must be inside the selected region to be affected
Outside: Grid nodes must be outside the selected region to be affected

Surface Boundaries
Two surfaces may be used to limit the grid editor tool geometry (3D grids only).
Above: Grid nodes must be above the selected surface to be affected
Below: Grid nodes must be below the selected surface to be affected

Value Boundaries
Two node values may be used to limit the grid editor tool geometry (3D grids only).
Above: Grid nodes must be above the selected value to be affected
Below: Grid nodes must be below the selected value to be affected

Elevation Boundaries
Two elevation values may be used to limit the grid editor tool geometry (3D grids only).
Above: Grid nodes must be above the selected value to be affected
Below: Grid nodes must be below the selected value to be affected
Up/Down Arrows: Shifts the elevation boundaries up or down with the value in the edit box to the right

Map Layer
Link Map Layer Slice: When changing the elevation boundaries the slice index in any map layer representing the edited grid is automatically changed to the center of the affected elevation interval.


Preview Window: Shows the Tool Algorithm Preview
Log: Shows the edit log window
Tool Preview 3D Settings: Shows the Tool Preview 3D Settings dialog
Save Snapshot: Saves a snapshot of the edited grid
Undo: Undo last operation
Redo: Redo last operation
Apply Tool: Applies the current tool (profile polygon tool must be applied in the profile)
Grid Operation: Shows the Grid Operations dialog.

Permalink geoscene3d/application/editor_tools/grid_editor/grid_editor_tool.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/20 15:14 by