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Source Settings

The ASCII Source Settings are used to set the parameters of data files with column information in comment lines in a general header
and files that are possibly line interspersed.

Column Name Line: Choose the number of the line that contains information about the column names.

Comment Lines: Write the character that defines Comment Lines.

Null Character: Write the character for Null Values.

Decimal Separator: Choose whether the Decimal Separator is a dot or comma.

Data Separator: Choose whether the data are separated with “Space/Tabular” or a specific character.

GeoSoft Lines Interspersed: Check on the box if your data are Line Interspersed.

Read more lines: If you press this button the software loads more data in the preview.

Line Interspersed:

If the data are gathered and sorted by columns and then placed at intervals defined by for example lines.

See examples below:

Example 1. Line interspersed data set with the column information in line 1.
The comment lines start with “/”, the null character is blank, and the data are separated with commas.

Example 2. Line interspersed data set with the column information in line 6.
The comment lines start with “/”, the null character is a “*”, and the data are tabular separated.

Permalink geoscene3d/application/data_management/source_settings.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/30 09:06 by gs3d