This tutorial shows how to quality check data by making histograms. The histogram can be used as a tool to gain a data overview before model building but the histogram is also useful for checking correct correlation between different datasets. Thus, it is a useful tool for analyzation both before and after model building.
1. “QC and Statistics” menu → next –> “Calculation Mode” → Floating value 3D Grid (e.g. Resistivities) → “Input Data” → your 3D grid → next.
2. You can choose the surfaces for where the calculation is needed by clicking the upper and lower constraint → next.
3. The histogram can be exported as an image “export plot” or as values “export values”.
4. The axis values can also be changed.
1. Repeat step 1.1. but choose “Discrete value 3D Grid (e.g. Lithologies)”.
2. Select a discrete 3D grid for the histogram in “Discrete Value 3D Grid”. Here lithology is chosen.
3. Repeat step 1.2. for constraints.
4. To show the lithology legend go to Object Manager → right click Lithology → Show Legend.
1. Repeat step 1.1. and pick the floating and discrete values that you want to compare.
2. Repeat step 1.2. with defined constraints.