A TDV Dataset represents a group of TDV (Two Dimensional Vertical) geophysical resistivity models. The dataset is defined with a query that consists of a rectangular extent and optional SQL. TDV Datasets are used in the TDV Models (2D Geophysics) Object.
Access Database Source in GERDA Database Format
Firebird Database Source in GERDA Database Format
Regardless of source a TDV Dataset is defined in the same way
Fixed Extent: By default the dataset extent is identical to the current scene extent. However, this option makes it is possible to fix the extent to any area.
Extent: Defines a rectangular area where data are extracted from the source.
Additional “WHERE” conditions (optional): The dataset may be refined further using SQL. This is an advanced option that can be used for users that has an in depth knowledge of the GERDA Database Format.
Preview SQL…: Shows a preview of the resulting query. Advanced users can use this option to analyze the resulting query.
Preview Data…: Shows a preview of the data resulting from the query using the Dataset Viewer.