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Chem5 Dataset

A Chem5 Dataset is a specialized Tabular Dataset containing columnar water chemistry data. A Chem5 Dataset may contain analysis of a single chemical parameter in multiple samples over a period of time. Each row in the dataset represents one analysis in time for one parameter from one screen.

The dataset is defined with a query that consists of a rectangular extent, settings for time period and chemical parameter. Chem5 Datasets are used in the Chem5 Water Chemistry Object.

Source Types


Fixed Extent: By default the dataset extent is identical to the current scene extent. However, this option makes it is possible to fix the extent to any area.

Extent: Defines a rectangular area where data are extracted from the source.

Limit Time Period: Limits the dataset to contain analysis within a specified time period. If not checked all samples in the database i included.
Begin Data: Starting data in the time period.
End Data: Ending date in the time period.

Parameter: Selects the chemical parameter for the time period. The list contains only parameters that have been analyzed within the extent.
Update List From Extent: Refreshes the parameters list from extent selected above.

Additional “WHERE” conditions (optional): The dataset may be refined further using SQL. This is an advanced option that can be used for users that has an in depth knowledge of the Chem5 Database Format.

Permalink geoscene3d/project_content/datasets/chem5_dataset.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/22 17:06 by