A Chem5 Dataset is a specialized Tabular Dataset containing columnar water chemistry data. A Chem5 Dataset may contain analysis of a single chemical parameter in multiple samples over a period of time. Each row in the dataset represents one analysis in time for one parameter from one screen.
The dataset is defined with a query that consists of a rectangular extent, settings for time period and chemical parameter. Chem5 Datasets are used in the Chem5 Water Chemistry Object.
Fixed Extent: By default the dataset extent is identical to the current scene extent. However, this option makes it is possible to fix the extent to any area.
Extent: Defines a rectangular area where data are extracted from the source.
Limit Time Period: Limits the dataset to contain analysis within a specified time period. If not checked all samples in the database i included.
Begin Data: Starting data in the time period.
End Data: Ending date in the time period.
Parameter: Selects the chemical parameter for the time period. The list contains only parameters that have been analyzed within the extent.
Update List From Extent: Refreshes the parameters list from extent selected above.
Additional “WHERE” conditions (optional): The dataset may be refined further using SQL. This is an advanced option that can be used for users that has an in depth knowledge of the Chem5 Database Format.