This tutorial describes how to import data from ASCII format (GeoSoft) files. The tutorial is one step of the “Add Data Wizard” and explains only the file source settings.
In the “Add data Wizard” when browsing to a local ASCII format file the button Source Settings are available.
The ASCII Source Settings are used to set the parameters of data files with column information in comment lines in a general header and files that are possibly line interspersed.
Column Name Line: Choose the number of the line that contains information about the column names.
Comment Lines: Write the character that defines Comment Lines.
Null Character: Write the character for Null Values.
Decimal Separator: Choose whether the Decimal Separator is a dot or comma.
Data Separator: Choose whether the data are separated with “Space/Tabular” or a specific character.
GeoSoft Lines Interspersed: Check on the box if your data are Line Interspersed.
Read more lines: If you press this button the software loads more data in the preview.
Line Interspersed: If your data are gathered and sorted by columns and then placed at intervals defined by for example lines. See example on figure 1.
Figure 1. Line Interspersed data file.
See examples 1 and 2 below:
Example 1 (below). Line interspersed data set with the column information in line 1.
The comment lines start with “/”, the null character is blank, and the data are separated with commas.
Example 2 (below). Line interspersed data set with the column information in line 6.
The comment lines start with “/”, the null character is a “*”, and the data are tabular separated.