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Grid Definitions

GeoScene3D operates with 2D and 3D grids.

2D Grid Definitions:

A 2D grid consists of regular spaced columns and rows of numeric values in an X,Y coordinate system. In the below image, the relationships between grid rows, grid columns and grid nodes are demonstrated. The grid nodes are shown as dots at the intersections of the columns and rows. In GeoScene3D, the X- and Y node spacing must be equal. In the below image, irregular data points (ex. wells, points or geophysics) are illustrated as blue dots. In GeoScene3D, irregular data points are interpolated to a regular grid with defined interpolation settings.

2D Grid Shown in Profile Windows:

In a profile window, a 2D grid is shown as a line generated from sample points along the intersection of the grid and the profile center plane. In the below image, the relationships between profile line, sampling points and grid nodes are demonstrated. Each sampling point is calculated from the plane defined by the three nearest grid nodes. In the below image, this is illustrated with blue dots. The distance between sampling points (sampling distance) is equal to the distance between two grid nodes (node spacing).

3D Grid Difinitions:

A 3D grid consists of regular spaced columns, rows and layers of numeric values in an X,Y,Z coordinate system. In the below image, the relationships between grid rows, grid columns, grid layers, and grid nodes are demonstrated. The grid nodes are shown as dots at the intersections of the columns, rows and layers. Z grid layers are illustrated as blue layers. In GeoScene3D, the Z node spacing can differ from X- and Y node spacing.

Permalink geoscene3d/concepts/grid_definitions.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/20 19:18 by