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Chart Editor

Advanced configuration dialog for chart settings. The dialog has two main tabs: Chart and Series. The chart tab contains settings that apply to the chart in general. The series tab contains setting for individual series or layers. The features are largely self explanatory and will not be described in detail. The best way to learn is to experiment.

Chart Tab

The main chart tab contains four sub tabs

General Tab
With the Print Preview button the chart may be previewed and printed
In the Margins box the chart margins can be modified in either percent or pixels.

Axis Tab
On the Axis tab each of the axes in the chart may be configured. To the left one of the axes is selected. To the right a large number of settings for the selected axis can be modified. By default the chart contains four axes: Left, Right, Top, Bottom (Depth Right and Depth Top is not used in 2D). Additional axes can be added as custom axes and are named Custom 0, Custom 1, etc.

Legend Tab
A legend is shown in the chart when the Visible check box is checked. There is a considerable number of settings but the default are sufficient in most cases.

Panel Tab
The panel tab controls the background of the chart.

Series Tab

In the main series tab settings for individual series can be set. The tab sheets shown in the lower portions of the dialog concerns the series selected in the drop down list in the upper portion of the dialog

Format for series lines

Format for series points

Format for series point marks (labels)

Permalink geoscene3d/application/chart/chart_editor.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/02 16:50 by