This is a description of how to visualize water chemistry in GeoScene3D, in the 3D and map window.
The chemistry data is listed in a mdb.file as illustrated in the below figure:
Parameter 1 (NORM), Parameter 2 (NORM) and Parameter 3 (NORM) indicates how the 3 parameters are normalized against each other.
Add the data to GeoScene3D using “Add Data Wizard”.
Select the right names for the XYZ Points. It can be a help to choose “WaterChemistry” in the “Available Tables” drop drow menu.
Make three clones of the water chemistry. Go to “Dataset Manager” and clone. Name the new datasets for Total phosphate, Nitrate and Sulfate.
To visualizing Sulfate in the 3D window right-click on the “Sulfate Point Layer” object – select “Properties” - Go under “Geometry Tab” and select Point Type to “cube” - Go under “Material Tab” and select Dataset Field “Sulfate (mg/l)” and give it a color blue. Go under “Scale Tab” and enter 100 in the Y Scale direction.
To visualizing Nitrate in the 3D window right-click on the “Nitrate Point Layer” object – select “Properties” - Go under “Geometry Tab” and select Point Type to “sphere” - Go under “Material Tab” and select Dataset Field “Nitrate (mg/l)” and give it a color red. Go under “Scale Tab” and enter 100 in the X Scale direction.
To visualizing Total Phosfate in the 3D window right-click on the “Total Phosfate Point Layer” object – select “Properties” - Go under “Geometry Tab” and select Point Type to “Cylinder” - Go under “Material Tab” and select Dataset Field “Total Phosfate (mg/l)” and give it a color yellow. Go under “Scale Tab” and enter 100 in the Z Scale direction.
How the three parameters are visualized is illustrated in the below image with red squares.
The data can be visualized in the 2D map via a PIE chart. Go to the “Layer Manager” in the 2D map and mark Nitrate. Press “Layer symbology” and go to the “Chart” tab. Under Values 1-4 select parameter 1 – 3 like in the below figure.