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Add basemaps from ArcGIS

This tutorial will show how to add base maps from ArcGIS 10.x to GeoScene3D. ArcGIS can be used for preparing data. GeoScene3D does not at present time support reprojection of data, so all data added to GeoScene3D must be in the same projection.



In ArcGIS 10 there is functionality to add base data to a map. This is used in the following tutorial.

Step 1. ArcGIS Basemap

1. Start a new map in ArcMap and choose Add Base Map, here we add Topographic.

2. Add a GRID file containing the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the area. The GRID file is in the right projection, here Turkey ERTS89 TM36. When added to ArcMap a warning shows up.

3. Choose the coordinate system that you want your GeoScene3D project to be in.

4. Confirm the warning.

Step 2. ArcGIS Basemap Export

1. In ArcMap, zoom into the project area.

2. Turn off the GRID and Choose Export Map. This will produce a map of the area.

3. Remember to check: ”Write World File”. Now there should image files in the data folder.

Step 3. In GeoScene3D

1. Open GeoScene3D.

2. Choose New project Wizard and the simple option.

3. Now add the GRID file with the DEM.

4. Choose “None” when asked for to add Open Street Maps from GeoCloud.

5. GeoScene3D will now open a part of the DEM. Not the whole DEM, as this could potentially be very big and memory consuming and therefore put an unwanted load on GeoScene3D.

6. Save the project:

7. Add the Base Map to the map.

Step 4. Result

1. Now zoom out in the map and the Base Map will show up:

2. Change the “Scene Extent” to the Base Map. Press Ok…

3. Zoom to Extent:

4. The Base Map has now been added to DEM. Then you are ready to add some geological data.

Permalink geoscene3d/add_map_data/datafromarcgis.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/13 12:18 by linda_jacobsen