This tutorial guides you through the data download from your customized GeoCloud portal to GeoScene3D.
Make sure that your current scene extent covers the data extent before adding. It is not possible to preview and download data outside the scene extent in GeoScene3D. The “Add Portal Data Wizard” will only show the available data. If you want to see all data uploaded to the portal, please go to your GeoCloud portal.
The coordinate system:
When uploading data to GeoCloud the coordinate will be recalculated to fit the portal’s coordinate system. The original coordinates will also still be available. This gives the opportunity to choose the coordinate system when downloading the data to GeoScene3D. In the “GeoCloud Object” page in the “Add Portal Data Wizard” (Step 3), you can pick the required coordinate system. When selecting the data, it is possible to see the portal and the original coordinate system.
1. Open the “Add portal data wizard” from the “Manager”, or directly from the front page in GeoScene3D .
1. Select the type of object to download and the EPSG. The difference of the portal coordinate and original coordinate is explained in the beginning of this tutorial.
1. Press “Next”, and the “Select Data” page will appear. Select the wanted data. You can pick the type of data, and you can see a description, the EPSG, and more details for the file. In the right-hand corner, you can find a search function which allows you to search in the data information. Mark one data files, and press “OK”.
1. Press “Next” to go to the “Finish” page.
2. Write the name of the new object, and in which group node the object will placed. Press “Finish” to add the data and exit the wizard.
The data should now be visible in the 3D space in GeoScene3D, and in the “object group node”. Please continue downloading data until all wanted data are downloaded and available. You can change the visual appearance in GeoScene3D (e.g. color scaled in respect to a data field/value) as usual in the “Object properties”.