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3D Grid in 3D Window

This tutorial shows how to visualize the 3D grid in the 3D window and how the map slice can be generated in depths below a surface, e.g. terrain.


Option 1. Visualize on the basis of Value

  • The 3D grid will look something like this in the 3D window.

1. Go to the Object Properties and select “Limits”, “Values”.

  • Here it is possible to select the Value Interval you wish to see your data in. Here we are looking at resistivity values between 95 and 115.

  • If your 3D grid contains symbols it is possible to select the desired value from the Symbol list:


Option 2. Visualize on the basis of Surfaces

1. Go to Object Properties and select “Limits”, “Surfaces”.

  • Here you have the possibility to select between upper and lower surfaces.
  • Below you can see the 3D grid and the two surfaces 'Terrain' and the deeper lying 'KGL' surface.

  • Here everything below the KGL surface is visualized:

  • Here we have selected to visualize everything above the KGL surface:

  • It is further possible to add an 'Offset in Depth' to a given surface. Here we have selected to show the values between the lower surface KGL and the upper surface Terrain, with an Offset in Depth at 40 meters (compare the differences with the picture above).

  • On the profile, the settings from previous picture will look like this:

Permalink geoscene3d/3d_grids/3dgridin3dwindow.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/29 12:38 by rj