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GeoScene3D DokuWiki

This is the DokuWiki used for GeoScene3D. This wiki contains all the information required to manage the GeoScene3D.

You can also find a lot of information and tuturials at GeoScene3D Learning Center or our Vimeo page:

GeoScene3D is a 3D Geological modelling software for visualizing geoscience data, building geological models in order to distribute the results to stakeholders. The software is well suited for geoscientists in public and private organizations working with engineering geology, groundwater, soil contamination or other tasks involving compilation and interpretation or visualization of a variety of data types.

In the sidebar you will find articles about almost every aspect of GeoScene3D. If there is no documentation available in a given area feel free to contact us at:

For downloading the program, news and other information, go to:

For information about I•GIS A/S go to:

When using GeoScene3D, it is possible to go directly from the program to this DokuWiki, by pressing F1. This should lead you directly to a site containing information about your location in GeoScene3D.

In the top right corner, it is possible to search for key words, regarding your subject of interest.

In the sidebar to the left, you find all the sites sorted in a sensible way.

Permalink start.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/04 14:07 by gs3d